People skills

Test Your People Skills

You don’t need to be a psychologist, but success in the free world requires that you know how to read, treat, and work with people. You will be most successful by making people feel valued and respected. When you show that you care about people, they become better versions of themselves, give more effort, and achieve more. They will also pay it forward if not directly return the favor to you.

The #1 Skill Underpinning Successful Relationships

What do studies of successful people consistently find to be at the root of their success? Intelligence? No. Creativity? No. Efficiency? No. Finance or other domain skills? No. While these and many other capabilities are important, they pale in comparison to people skills.  People with the best interpersonal skills are the most consistently successful in life. …

The #1 Skill Underpinning Successful Relationships Read More »

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