
Coach the Mindset If You Expect to Change the Behavior

If you are like most people, helping others change doesn’t always work. In fact, it rarely works. Change is difficult. Habits are hard to break. Yet people do change. People quit smoking and stop drinking. Kids learn to do things right, at least eventually. Employees develop new skills. People learn self-control. What is the difference between the situations that turn out well and those that don’t?

diagram showing where to give feedback: to the person, behavior, or result

Feedback – What’s Wrong with “Focus on the Behavior”?

If you’ve been a manager for very long, you’ve undoubtedly been told to “focus on the behavior, not the person” when giving feedback. I’ve heard it throughout my career, but like so many clichés, it is a bit oversimplified. Actually, it really doesn’t make sense. Isn’t a person’s behavior part of their being a person? …

Feedback – What’s Wrong with “Focus on the Behavior”? Read More »

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