Mike Hawkins

MIKE HAWKINS is award-winning author of "Activating Your Ambition: A Guide to Coaching the Best Out of Yourself and Others", author of the "SCOPE of Leadership" six-book series on coaching leaders to lead as coaches, and president of Alpine Link Corporation. Mike coaches, consults, and trains organizations and individuals to higher levels of performance. He is a respected executive coach, management consultant, author, speaker, and college lecturer. He is considered an industry thought leader on leadership, consultative selling, self-improvement, and business management.

The Power of Community

The root word in community is “common.” Being in community provides a sense of belonging based on something in common. This sense of belonging and associated commitment is what underpins top-performing teams at work and in sports. It is the connection that binds families beyond ancestry and friends beyond acquaintance.

Should the Past Define You?

Our past accomplishments, mistakes, and circumstances are what we and others often think about when considering who we are. To most, this seems perfectly logically and factually accurate. After all, our past is our story. It reflects our previous decisions, experiences, and abilities. It reflects our prior character, attitude, and knowledge. Perceptions are often based on realities.