Relationships and Marriage

It Takes Two to Fight, but ….

You’ve experienced it before, probably in the last few days, either with people at work or family at home. Someone says or does something that offends someone else. A disagreement ensues. After both parties become embroiled in the conflict, who started it and often the reason are long forgotten. From an outsider’s perspective the cliché “it …

It Takes Two to Fight, but …. Read More »

The #1 Skill Underpinning Successful Relationships

What do studies of successful people consistently find to be at the root of their success? Intelligence? No. Creativity? No. Efficiency? No. Finance or other domain skills? No. While these and many other capabilities are important, they pale in comparison to people skills.  People with the best interpersonal skills are the most consistently successful in life. …

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The #1 Criteria When Recruiting, Interviewing, or Selecting a Mate

When selecting your partners, employees, friends, or mate, what do you look for? When considering offers of employment or building new friendships, do you have specific criteria in mind? Do you follow a selection profile when recruiting or being recruited? Having a definitive selection profile is almost impossible as there are thousands of attributes used …

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How to Train Your Instinct to Filter Out Bad Advice

Have you ever received bad advice? Or worse, acted on it? Been given information that hurt more than it helped? Perhaps you hired someone based on a referral who fell short of expectations? Or pursued a sales opportunity that merely wasted time? Or started a relationship that ended with a thud? Or ended a relationship that …

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