
Selling success with quantity or quality?

Selling – Depends on Quantity or Quality?

With selling being an important skill, what is the most fundamental principle of selling? Ask any seasoned marketing, sales, or business development professional and you’ll hear something like this—if you’re not making your target audience aware, you are not selling. You may have a great idea, product, or service, but if people don’t know about it, it doesn’t matter. If you’re not sharing your knowledge and getting your message in front of people, you’re not creating demand.

Three Characteristics of Successful Sales People

In years past, many companies and their sales people relied on selling tactics to sell their offerings. They conveyed rehearsed value propositions. They gave away logoed items to promote their brand. They processed their client prospects through scripted sales systems. In some cases, they employed clever if not aggressive closing tactics such as “if I can …

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