Mike Danchak

MIKE DANCHAK, an Alpine Link Corporation partner, is president of Helping Services. He partners with clients from the relational and developmental sides of leadership to successfully create and implement behavioral change. Through skill building and practice, he works side by side with leaders to unleash their peak career potential. Coaching in the critical aspects of relational and developmental leadership provides the insights to maximize an excellent marketing and business plan.

Mike has a B.S. from Abilene Christian University, Cum Laude; History, English, Religion and a M.Ed. Abilene Christian University, Counseling/Guidance. He has participated in post graduate studies at Texas Tech University, University of Arizona School of Medicine, University of North Texas, Texas Women’s University and the College of Executive Coaching. He is a licensed Professional Counselor, State of Texas (LPC) and a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, State of Texas (LMFT). He is currently completing graduate training as a Certified Professional Coach (CPC). He is past president of the Frio Hospital Association, on the Board of Directors for The Daily Minute, a speaker for The Daily Minute (Internet and Video Book presentations on Parenting, Marriage and Motivation) and founder of the Tighter Knot marriage enrichment program.