
Alpine Link's "SCOPE of Leadership Assessment"

Assess yourself against the 38 competencies of great leaders who employ a coaching approach to leadership.

To complete the SCOPE of Leadership assessment, first determine the role you will assess yourself on. It could be your current role or a desired future role. To reduce any confusion about what you are assessing yourself against, note the role to which your assessment applies at the top of the assessment below, e.g. “Engineering Team Leader? “Executive VP of Finance? “Sales Manager.?

For each competency, select two buttons. In the importance column, select "high", "medium", or "low" as the level of importance of that competency to your role. In the score column, assess the extent to which you believe you possess the competency by selecting "absent", "lacking", or "adequate". Select "absent" if you believe you possess very little of the competency. Select "lacking" if you have some competence, but aspire to develop more. Select "adequate" if you are sufficiently capable and satisfied with your performance in that competence.

My role:   

For each of the 38 competencies listed in the following five leadership categories, assess the extent to which you:

Self (Leading Self and Setting the Example)
Importance Score
1) Believe with Passion: Believe in the organizational mission with passion and embrace it with enthusiasm.
2) Pursue Goals within a Vision: Set and pursue realistic but challenging goals that are clearly linked to the long-term vision, the current strategy, and meaningful objectives.
3) Learn Continuously: Continually adapt, seek new ideas, and find opportunities to learn and improve.
4) Know Self: Seek feedback and have awareness of the impact that your attitude, words, and behaviors have on others.
5) Demonstrate Honorable Character: Demonstrate honorable character, ethical values, integrity, and honesty.
6) Maintain Mental Fitness: Maintain mental sharpness, physical energy, emotional stability, and a healthy level of stress.
7) Operate Intentionally: Take initiative, plan, prioritize, and focus disciplined effort on the most important activities.
8) Think Strategically: Understand the broader environment, consider the best timing to take action, and foresee the implications of decisions.
9) Work Productively: Work with a sense of urgency in an organized manner and accomplish a significant amount of work with a high degree of efficiency.
10) Possess Courage: Have the courage to be bold, get out of the comfort zone, and take prudent risks.
11) Exude Confidence: Exude confidence by having the competence required for the position and a positive yet humble self-image.
Communications (Communicating Effectively and Inspiring Performance)
Importance Score
Med Low
12) Convey a Positive Attitude: Outwardly convey a positive “can-do?attitude seeing issues as challenges to be engaged rather than obstacles that can’t be overcome.
13) Promote Trustworthiness: Foster an unselfish environment where people trust each other, communicate openly, and do what they say.
14) Articulate the “Why? Provide relevant context and a compelling reason that supports your ideas and the need to take action. 
15) Provide Compelling Content: Develop high quality, interesting, relevant, and compelling content in written and verbal communications. 
16) Engage the Audience: Communicate information in a way that connects with people and maintains their attention. 
17) Listen Attentively: Listen with undivided attention, display empathy, and accurately understand what others communicate.
18) Motivate: Motivate others and bring out their intrinsic passion to achieve desired outcomes.
Others (Developing, Coaching, and Enabling People)
Importance Score
Med Low
19) Attract Top Talent: Attract, recruit, select, and hire top performers.
20) Know the Individual: Get to know people individually, care about them, and understand their capabilities.
21) Coach: Guide and facilitate people's professional development through frequent coaching, giving feedback, mentoring, and teaching.
22) Exhort and Praise: Recognize, encourage, and exhort people to utilize their capabilities, reach for higher goals, take on challenging assignments, and be the best they can be.
23) Enable Performance: Provide people with the resources they require and enable them to productively perform their work.
24) Manage Performance: Evaluate people’s performance, hold them accountable to clear performance expectations, and take quick ethical action when performance expectations are not met.
25) Impart Ownership: Instill in people a sense of responsibility and pride of ownership by empowering them to perform work on their own to the extent they are capable.
Partnerships (Leveraging Partners and Teamwork)
Importance Score
Med Low
26) Socialize for Synergy: Value, build, and maintain a diverse network of synergistic relationships across the organization, with external partners, and with external influencers.
27) Create Alignment: Create alignment between the needs and interests of collaborating organizations, both internally and externally, to reach acceptable compromises and maintain harmony.
28) Build Community: Facilitate teamwork, camaraderie, fun, and a spirit of unity causing people to be loyal to the team rather than being focused on their own agendas.
29) Stimulate Engagement: Stimulate positive sentiments and vitality in people that make them want to stay in the organization, engage in their work, and give their best effort. 
30) Manage Conflict: Civilly engage in disagreement, manage conflict, and constructively resolve clashes between people. 
31) Collaborate: Foster a spirit of cooperation, facilitate information sharing, and work jointly with others as a team. 
Execution (Delivering Exceptional Results)
Importance Score
Med Low
32) Focus on Value: Direct effort, time, expenditures, and resources on activity that directly contributes value to the organization and achieves desired outcomes.
33) Foster a Climate of Innovation: Encourage innovation and create an environment that respects original ideas, creativity, prudent risk taking, and beneficial differentiation.
34) Enable Speed and Quality: Maximize quality and speed of execution by removing obstacles, utilizing assets, streamlining processes, optimizing systems, and maintaining operational excellence.
35) Make Great Decisions: Exercise good judgment, make timely decisions, manage decision making biases, involve the right people, and properly evaluate the relevant alternatives. 
36) Shape the Culture: Shape and cultivate the desired organizational values, philosophies, attitudes, and behaviors. 
37) Take Action: Swiftly implement decisions, take action, and engage in opportunities that utilize the organization’s capabilities. 
38) Make the Sacrifice: Accept responsibility, ensure work is finished, sacrifice self-interests, and look after the organization’s best interests.